Plays On Word Radio
An in-depth look at the Word of God, the Plays On Word community, and the Plays - with original music - we perform, that are based on the Word of God. New episodes drop Fridays at 7AM EST! To find out how Plays On Word Theater can perform 'LIVE on YOUR STAGE' and to support this missionary & podcast visit: https://playsonword.org/
Plays On Word Radio
Ep 111: Uniting in Purpose - The Impact of Step of Faith (Part 2)
"Do you know any Christian connectors? On today’s episode, we continue sharing incredible stories from Step of Faith Ministry, a ministry that has connected many believers through their work at home and around the world."
In this compelling episode, we explore the incredible journeys that have shaped Step of Faith Ministry, spurred on by faith, unity, and meaningful relationships. Through powerful stories of transcending cultural and geographical boundaries, the hosts reveal how they transformed personal connections into impactful outreach efforts across nations.
Listeners will gain insight into the profound experiences that ignite ministry work, understand the importance of collaboration among churches, and be inspired by the hope that emerges when different groups come together with one purpose — to bring Christ's love to communities in need. This episode not only underscores the importance of community but depicts the spiritual journeys that propel faith into action, reaching places where it’s needed the most.
Engage with the hosts as they discuss the evolving nature of their ministry and their aspirations for the future. This episode encourages listeners to find their own part in the larger narrative of connection and service. Join us, delve into the rich tapestry of faith-filled stories, and embrace how you can also become part of a movement that reflects Christ’s love in tangible ways. Let us help spread hope, and if you find value in this episode, don’t forget to share it with others, subscribe for more inspiration, and leave a review!
Patrick Hess, Vice President
Pam Hess, Mission's Coordinator
email: pamhess67@gmail.com
Step Of Faith Ministry
Listen to Part 1 of this interview here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2110391/episodes/16700162
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Lord you know. Hey guys, you are now listening to Plays on Word Radio.
Speaker 3:It's the best. Joseph came up to me one night and he said what church are you all from? And I said, joseph, we are from nine churches, but what you're seeing is the power of the Holy Spirit bringing us together in unity, and I'll never forget that, because that was such a testimony of what God can do if we're fully surrendered and willing to work for His glory and not our own, and do what he's calling us to do and not be tossed back and forth with these secondary issues. That has nothing to do with salvation. Your name, your name.
Speaker 1:Your name. Hello and welcome to Plays on Word Radio, where we discuss, analyze, work and play on the Word of God. Thank you for joining us on this excursion. Today, let's join Pastor Teddy, also known as Fred David Kenny Jr, the founder of Plays on Word Theater, as he does a deep dive into the Word of God.
Speaker 2:Now, how does Step of Faith, how does Step of Faith, how does Step of Faith, how does Step of Faith move from Haiti all the way across the ocean and next to Italy, this little tiny country, the size is a little bit bigger than New Jersey, I guess. It's similar to Israel, I guess, as far as size. How did you end up there? Because we ended up there, because you ended up there.
Speaker 3:Well, again, it was through relationships. It seems like that is a common thread and step of faith, that our ministries all come out of personal relationships, and I think we mentioned early in the podcast that Mike Durante grew up with Sue Hager, the co-founder of Step of Faith, and Mike had been in Albania for many years. His wife passed and he came back to the States and started an Albanian church in northern Jersey and Sue and Mike just so happened to run into each other locally, just happened to, just happened to, and started to talk and he was asking about what she was doing and she, in turn, about what he was doing and um I think it was that same year he had um approached.
Speaker 3:Sue and listen, we have two young men over in Albania, just converted from Muslim to Christian and they would like to go to seminary. Would Step of Faith be able to help them go to seminary? And it was like, around the board table, everyone was like yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. And that was Melcy and Gno and we were able to help them complete their seminary. And then that was the catalyst. So that was the piece that started what has transpired since 2014.
Speaker 2:Wow 2014. Wow, yes, and Gayno, I talked about doing a podcast with Gano at some point.
Speaker 3:He's the sultan of Savion.
Speaker 2:Church. Hey, if you guys listen, if you could see him. He looks like he should be a sultan or something. You know what I'm talking about. He does. He definitely looks like a movie star. He's got this rigid look, yes, it's a very unique look. We love that guy, we love all of them over there. You guys went over and I think you went with John D. John Durante went over the first time, right when you first went over.
Speaker 3:Yep 2018. Again, it was Mike. Mike was very encouraging. He kept talking to Sue and saying you need to go to Albania now You've been supporting for four years. You need to go see my beautiful country.
Speaker 2:That sounds like Mike.
Speaker 3:Yeah, granted, now he's Italian, but it's still his beautiful country. He's Italian, albanian.
Speaker 5:And I understand how you embrace that when you go and, um, I understand how you embrace that when you go.
Speaker 3:so I get it. So, um, so yeah, so sue and patrick and I were talking and because mike and john had at that time around, that time had just been reunited, so they had been doing separate ministries for years and hadn't really known what was going on with either of their lives, so now you have these two cousins coming back together. So then it was like, john, come on over also, you need to see what's happening here.
Speaker 2:And that was our first trip in 2018, before we started to bring teams over Step of faith, connecting again, connecting other people and other ministries, and there are people who came from Jersey Shore over there to albania because of that and because of that connection again, yeah, I remember when you guys came back I think you had pictures or something we came.
Speaker 2:You either came over our house, we came over your house and played a uh pictures and like slideshow and I just remember going, wow, man, whoa, and but even that didn't do it, wasn't? It didn't do justice to.
Speaker 5:Once I finally got there and I was like oh, this is what they oh, I get it I get it I might be getting it jumbled a little bit, but I I know on one of the trips where plateau came here to visit, yeah, you had kind of a meet and greet at your home. We got a chance to meet him and we were talking to him and, you know, at some point during the conversation I hear Ted say yeah, I'll come do a play in Albania.
Speaker 2:I'll never forget Albania.
Speaker 4:I'll never forget Flat door space, flat door space.
Speaker 2:It was funny too, because we were talking and he said something. I said I forget exactly what happened. I said, yeah, I'll come over and do a play man. I'm thinking in my mind how far can it be? Albania, california.
Speaker 5:New Jersey Florida.
Speaker 2:How far can it be? But he had this look on his face like really, because I can make that happen. I know a guy that's an inside joke for those of you who have not been to Albania but Platour knows a guy for everything. Like Platour, my tooth is is falling out. I know a guy. You know my tire, my tire just fell off my truck. Hang on, ted. I know a guy and it's like you know, five minutes later somebody pulls up and they're competent, they're completely competent on fixing.
Speaker 2:Like I saw, um, we, I went to, I went to this in, uh, malich, malich, that's it. Yeah, yeah, malich, right, so I'm, I'm in a cafe in malich and, uh, the, the espresso machine goes down. Right, the espresso machine goes down and over there, it's a big. You know, you got 25 dudes sitting out front like man, what's going on? They have to look on the face like come on, where's the espresso?
Speaker 2:And this guy gets on the phone and he calls I don't, I don't know. It definitely wasn't like a repair, normal repair guy, it wasn't the Mr Goodwrench. But this dude pulls up in a car, gets out with his toolbox and opens up the whole espresso machine and goes to town on it, fixes it and then leaves. And I was like I can't, but that was the guy. That was the guy. That was the guy that Plateau would have called. It blew my mind. I mean guy pulled up no markings on his truck, no, you know, wasn't a special tech. So if anything goes wrong, they, you know, they call a guy and they're competent. The machine was working great after that.
Speaker 5:I mean I want to get into how Pam has become a board member and just her heart about how she got involved with Plays on Word and her thoughts on the ministry.
Speaker 2:Step of Faith was instrumental because they had the connecting get-together where we were able to meet with plateau and and and mike. And just let it be known originally, when we first met mike, I thought I said this guy's, he's kind of a curmudgeon. I don't know, I think he's, he's a little he's a little he's a little curmudgeonly like. But you know what, like, like, like a beneficial fungus, he grew on us.
Speaker 3:Especially when you're driving in Albania with him.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:I'm not sending him the link to this podcast?
Speaker 1:No, but I was like I don't know what to make of this guy.
Speaker 2:I don't know what to make of this guy. Now, I love this guy. He's like, yes, he's family. Well, you know what it's interesting.
Speaker 1:Just like when Katie was kind of saying um what she just said.
Speaker 3:I think back as far as plays on word that started in your living room when you were going through was it esther or ruth ruth.
Speaker 3:We were, yeah, because you know, single for 43 years. So in ted and katie's living room and Ted would go through, he did the. He oversaw the singles Bible study which brought in people from all different churches, met in their house. And because Ted is Ted, he, as he was going through a book of the Bible, he would just kind of start standing up and acting out little pieces of it and at some point during that time I remember saying I don't know if it was me or who it was but like Ted, you should like do a, like you should turn this into a play, like you can do a one man play. It was just this blanket kind of thought and it wasn't for years later, but we saw it back then. God had already brought that out. You know your, your gifts and talents, yeah no, no, no.
Speaker 2:Well, we got married in 2007 or 8. When I did the book of Ruth because your dad passed away, and when he was dying in the hospital, I basically busted out my Bible and did the same thing that we had done at the study at the house. But, pam, I forgot you were, that's right. You were there. You were there when we first did that book of Ruth. I remember going up the cliff like, hey, cliff man, this was amazing People. They were really getting it, because when I finished, when I closed the book, everybody in the house was like their jaw was on the floor. They were like what the heck did? I just see.
Speaker 3:Well, you made it again. You made the Bible come to life, you made the book of Ruth come to life, and I remember you're at your piano and you were like doing little songs and I mean it was it started there, that was, that was plays on word without a title.
Speaker 2:That's a. That's a. That's a good point. Oh, Katie's got a picture, I think.
Speaker 5:September 4th 2009. Okay.
Speaker 3:Ah, yes, oh my gosh, what are you doing? Oh, my goodness, there you are, that's it oh man, that is hysterical. That's when it all began, wow. And then obviously it was more of the practicality of it. I remember Katie you know cause Katie and I used to have coffee together and be able to spend time together when you guys lived up here in brick, and and I remember Katie starting to say you know, there's this, this we've been praying, there's these thoughts, and how on earth do we become a nonprofit?
Speaker 5:Right yeah, pam was my nonprofit guru. Oh yeah, she basically wrote the book first and then I just came and gleaned from her.
Speaker 2:There are people that charge a massive amount of money to be a coach for nonprofit people, to coach them and to help guide them. And here we had Pam, who basically went ahead and blazed a trail on what not to do, what to do. And so when it came time for the nonprofit aspect of, you know, being a legit ministry, because people started giving us money and giving us checks and I was like we need to.
Speaker 5:I remember at one point I was freelancing in between jobs and we were praying, you know, for a job for me and I remember Teddy saying you know, and we were praying for a job for me and I remember Teddy saying you know I've been praying for your job and I feel like the Lord told me plays on word is the job.
Speaker 5:And so then I said, well, then we need help. Yeah, we alluded to you. Guys know that we did it for a while, and then when we officially became a nonprofit, it was almost like our coming out party. However you would put it was at a function for Step of.
Speaker 2:Faith we legitimately become a nonprofit. Like, yeah, we officially were, legally, we got our papers back and we were a nonprofit and that launch, that happened at the Step of. Faith another Step of Faith event League. We got our papers back and we were a non-profit. That launch. That happened at the Step of Faith another Step of Faith event. It was a connection event where all these different ministries were there. A ton of ministries were there. Do you want to talk about that at all? That first dinner we did at the Lobster Shanty?
Speaker 3:Yeah, the Lobster Shanty, howster Shanty. Yeah, the Lobster Shanty. How did that come about? That was again.
Speaker 3:That was like a roundtable discussion because of the like Patrick had said earlier, bob Hager's vision was the hub of a wagon wheel with all these spokes going out, and actually he looked at it that way because back when he was first starting Step of Faith, church denominations would not work together. It seemed like everyone stayed in their denomination and he felt like Step of Faith could be that connection, because we're not a church, we're not a denomination. We're actually made up right now of like four or five different churches on our board and so because of that, we were able to really connect and are still connected with over 10 local churches from all different denominations, and that just continued to connect people. And we found that between, like what you guys were starting to do and Craig and Linan Bogart with Aslan up in the more North Jersey and all that they're doing in Haiti and locally and we had Mike Durante there as well, I'm trying to remember around the room- I don't think Karen Peete was there, yet Was she still on the board?
Speaker 3:I can't remember.
Speaker 4:Karen.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, Karen was there Was that the first one with Rooted in Love. I don't know if it was the first one, maybe First or second one, but the premise was let's get everyone in the same room and let's give an overview of what all these ministries are doing. And I remember people coming up to me throughout that night because we had a dinner that time and shaking their heads and saying I've never been to a nonprofit's dinner where you're promoting other ministries to get support. And we said, well, that's just been where we want to see other people who have like-mindedness, who are getting the gospel out in their ways, with their gifts and talents to be known gifts and talents to be known. You know we're not, we're this tiny. You know, we always say we're a little mom and pop organization and God provides the funds and how he provides the funds for us.
Speaker 4:We can provide the funds out, but we wanted to see other like-minded organizations be able to be heard and that we had and share how God's using them in their ministry, and that we had, sure, yeah, using them and their ministry, and yeah, so it was. It was a cool way to like bring all of everybody's supporters together and see what they're supporting, who they're praying for, and everybody to share yeah, exactly, and share their ministries. So, yeah, it worked. I got something that's, let me tell you, I've been able to do for years.
Speaker 2:Go ahead sorry, funny thing about the funny thing about that I was sitting at at the table with Katie and we're sitting at our table and there's this guy sitting next to us and I'm like where, how do I know this guy? What, what is this guy? How do I know this guy? And it was an older gentleman and it turned out every every other Sunday or whatever, we would go to this place called Benny's now called Sunnyside, right, but we used to go to this place called Benny's and this whole church would come in after we'd get there and at a certain time, 12 something, this whole group of I don't know eight, nine, 10 people would come in and the ladies would sit together and the guys would sit together and I would always say hi to them. And I remember saying hi and I didn't know that the guy that was next to me was a pastor at the table at your event.
Speaker 2:But finally I think it kicked in. He said, oh yeah, my name's Tom Brown, I'm a pastor of the Osborneville Church right there down the street from Benny's, and I'm like, oh, my goodness, we see this guy every Sunday and you're here. And even that made a connection for us to where he was able to see because we did a part of our Pete play, I think. And he said would you guys come out to our church? And I said, yeah, we did a play out at their church. They were all blessed and it was just the connectivity of Step of Faith is. I cannot emphasize it enough and I just I can't do justice on all the connections that you guys have been the center hub for, but the amount of ministry that has gone forth. Just another quick example from Tom's church Pastor Brown and his wife Sylvia, keep them in your prayers.
Speaker 2:But yeah, we were at his church and there was a guy up front and he just straight faced me the whole time of the play. He had his arms crossed and straight faced, no response, nothing at all. So I'm doing the play thinking, oh boy, this is not going over well with this guy. Oh man, maybe you know what. I am a little loud and these folks are a lot older and I'm expecting him and his wife to come up to me and be like you know it's too loud, you're too loud, you're too loud. So after the play he gets up and walks right up to me, straight face, no expression, and he says that was the best stage play I've ever seen in my life. With a straight face, with a straight face and walks away, and then he actually cracked a smile and they were all blessed. But yeah, you cannot judge a book by its cover.
Speaker 5:I was expecting to be given a hard time and he absolutely loved it and they were such a blessing you know, talking about um, the connection that you have and and the non-denominational aspect of it, that's, I mean, that's such a great model and and was always an inspiration, and um, and we've picked up on part of that too. I think that's why we can go to. We've been to so many numerous denominations and we're focusing on straight scripture and we're focusing on Christ, and when you do that, then you can be in fellowship with a lot more people. That's where the like-mindedness comes, the people that are, you know, believers in Christ and you know the other secondary things you don't have to debate about, but I think that's important. Or you don't have to divide over. You can debate things you don't have to debate about, but I think that's important.
Speaker 2:You don't have to divide over. You can divide over, you can debate, but you don't have to divide. And the enemy would have us divide over secondary issues and issues that are not important to salvation or even fellowship. The color of their carpet is red, the color of their carpet is blue. They cannot have fellowship together. That type of stuff. It's ridiculous. And the Lord is like hey, we want some unity. So you guys have helped to bring the unity which is Christ.
Speaker 3:I can just give a real quick testimony on that.
Speaker 3:When we were in Haiti one year I believe Patrick was there as well we had a pretty large team and we do take like nine months to prepare a team and get everybody as prepared as possible before going down. And I remember we were all down there and we're doing all the different things that that week or 10 days had to offer. And Joseph came up to me one night and he said what church singular are you from? Are you all from? And I said, joseph, church singular are you from? Are you all from? And I said, joseph, at that that team had we had we're from nine churches.
Speaker 3:I said, joseph, we are from nine churches, but what you're seeing is the power of the holy spirit bringing us together in unity, and I'll never forget that, because that was such a testimony of what god can do if we're fully surrendered and willing to work for His glory and not our own, and do what he's calling us to do and, like you said, not be tossed back and forth with these secondary issues. That has nothing to do with salvation, where these people need salvation first and foremost. So yeah, just wanted to throw that in there when you said unity.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, oh, hey, I'm going to take you guys back. You probably only certain people will understand this, but we connect like Voltron. You know that's the idea, connecting like Voltron. And you know Voltron is made up of well, it depends. There's one made of a bunch of different cars, but the other one is made up of cats five cats, and it's a Japanese animation thing where they connect together to become this one big robot and in the body of Christ.
Speaker 2:you know, I just noticed that we can get a lot more done when we connect, like Voltron, you know, and we connect and we put certain things that are going to divide us. You know, there are certain things that are essential, but you know, but for the most part, many of us, we divide along lines that are non-essentials and then that diminishes the amount of effectiveness we have for the body of Christ. So, speaking of effectiveness, there's a lot of people listening. Katie, you had something to say.
Speaker 5:Go ahead.
Speaker 2:Well, I was going to say there's a lot of people listening right now and they want to learn more, and maybe the Lord has moved them to help out or to be involved somehow. And so how can people support you guys and support the work you're doing? Find out what's happening.
Speaker 3:Well, to connect with us, they can go to our blog site, stepoffaithministryorg to our blog site, stepoffaithministryorg. They can shoot an email to pamhess67 at gmailcom. Let me know what they're interested in. We have stopped going down to Haiti right now because of the turmoil down there, but we do mission trips still. We can all continue to bring glory to God through what he's giving us to do.
Speaker 2:Amen, we'll make sure we put those links in the show notes. Just Atlantic City, now on the surface, I'm thinking Atlantic City. What does Atlantic City need? That means what? Are they going down to play the slots? What's so big about Atlantic City?
Speaker 3:Well again, another connection. Years ago, over 12 years ago, our board member Bobby McDonough had grown up, or he and his wife were very good friends with another couple, santo and Mary Ellen Garofalo.
Speaker 4:Flexible and pioneering Katie.
Speaker 3:Remember that, Katie.
Speaker 2:That's inside.
Speaker 5:Katie's twitching right now. I cannot see what's happening right now.
Speaker 3:My twitch has come back, but Katie's twitching. And yet Santo coined. You have to have a flexible and pioneering spirit.
Speaker 2:Oh, he's the one who coined it. Oh, I get it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, santo did yeah, so you can thank him for that one we need to talk to that guy.
Speaker 5:Yeah you got some contact information.
Speaker 4:You guys need to talk to him in person. Next trip with us to Albania. We're going to go over there and I would love to get you guys all together.
Speaker 3:They get you hooked up with them in Italy, but at the time they were a church plant in Atlantic City called through a denomination called New City Fellowship, and so Bobby, at a board meeting, brought them up and said listen, they're doing ministry work down there in neighborhoods that nobody wants to go into, blocks from the boardwalk and let's check it out. So I had gone down and just did a day with them and met them and realized, wow, this is a very needed ministry, like you said. I mean people think Atlantic City, they think gambling, they think money, they think hotels. 50 minutes down the parkway from where we live, you have children that are afraid to sleep in their own beds because bullets come flying through their windows. You have a huge problem with drugs, single parent homes, prostitution, you name it. It's a one square mile, it's not a big area, atlantic City and it has just a lot of people who came in to work the casinos and when some of the casinos have shut down, you now have 3000 people that have no work and they don't have enough money to get out of Atlantic City, so they get put into these complexes called Carver Hall. We call it Back Maryland Busby, different, you know, apartment complexes, lower income and that's where New City pours into.
Speaker 3:And so for the last 12 years we're going again this summer. We just had our first mission team meeting last weekend. We'll be taking another team down this summer. We spend a week with them. We bring up a Bible club for three nights at.
Speaker 3:Carver Hall is our destination of choice now to go to, and during the day they tell us what other needs there are in the community. It could be any type of work projects. It could be helping a shut-in elderly woman get groceries. Every year is different and they plan the days. They disciple us to help us understand how to connect the community to the church. They do teachings on racial reconciliation and all gospel focused teachings and worship, and so, yeah, that's how we got connected and it's actually from the Atlantic City trip back in 2012.
Speaker 3:One of our teammates said why can't we do this closer to home? And I said, well, where would that be? And she said the Maple Leaf Apartments. And at the time I didn't know what the Maple Leaf Apartments were, but they turn out to be lower income housing projects right here in Brick and that's a whole nother testimony. But the bottom line is we have been there now for 12 years doing an after school tutoring program. So their ministry in Atlantic City birthed this tutoring program here in Brick that many churches have been involved with now for the last 12 years.
Speaker 2:So yeah, exciting stuff Plays on Word was even there, that's right you guys came, and that's right.
Speaker 3:You did one of your plays there. Christmas Joe play there.
Speaker 2:That was a blessing. So you guys are like firefighters. You go in when everybody else is running out of a building that's on fire. Missionaries and Step of Faith in particular, is the type that's like going in to the building that's on fire or the place that everybody wants to get out of. You guys find a way to go in there and minister the gospel, and it's amazing that the gospel goes forward.
Speaker 5:You know we just talked a lot of history today and you know, pam, you were there from day one when this was thoughts on a piece of paper to where we are now, and so I just want to ask you where your heart is, why I mean as a board member, as a supporter through Step of Faith, why do you support Plays on Word? And then the next question, my final question, will be what's next for Step of Faith? What do you want us to know about what's happening in the future?
Speaker 3:The first question is very easy. Having known you guys as long as I have, first and foremost, your heart to be an instrument in God's hands has always been first and foremost you guys are. What you see is what you get, and I love that about you guys. Your heart is to bring glory and honor to Jesus, not yourself. It's to glorify him and have a kingdom perspective, not a me perspective.
Speaker 3:I've watched you guys live in your own level of financial difficulties through the years and you've continued to stay strong and focused on what God called you to do. You're not allowing your circumstances at any time in this process to derail you. At times, of course, it may be a little concerning and all of that. You know whether the finances are there or not there. And for those that are listening, if you guys are not supporting these guys, totally, totally pray about how you can support them, not only through prayer but the financial support, because, as the Bible says, the harvest is ready but the workers are few and these guys are workers and they are out there Katie's the little rubber ducky inside joke but they never stop because they want to serve the Lord with until their last breath, and I have not met a couple out of everyone I know who is who is this sold out to do what God is calling them to do, despite the circumstances that they have had to walk through, financially and otherwise, and they are so worth the investment because God is using them everywhere, not just when they're at a play, but when they break down before going to a play and they're witnessing to the guy who's coming to fix their car.
Speaker 3:I mean, it's absolutely like you guys are a living testimony and it's something that more people need to see and experience and be a part of, because it's difficult. I mean, I too have been a supportive missionary for 15 years. I never take for granted those who have chosen to support me, but, as Bob Hager said years ago before he died, you need support because you are the hands and feet going out and doing the ministry. Without that, you can't practically function. We'd love to say we'll do it anyway, whether we have money or not, but the bottom line is that's not how our world works. One day in heaven, yes we won't need the money.
Speaker 3:But here on earth it's a practical way that we have to provide so that we can go out and serve, and you guys do it with such grace. That's why I just love you guys so much and so.
Speaker 5:Amen.
Speaker 3:So second question going forward was that it? What's happening? What's next?
Speaker 2:Come on, Pat, lay out the plan. What's happening? What do you have on the horizon?
Speaker 4:So all all along, since Pam and I've been married and we started doing mission work together, her heart's always been for Haiti and so we've been to Haiti several times and the gospel is definitely needed there. It's a poverty stricken nation. It's never been on my heart as a potential place to maybe go full-time mission or do full-time mission work. It's saturated with the gospel. You got a lot of missionaries there. I don't know if you guys have heard of the term the 1040 window but it's people untouched for the gospel. And so the first trip, when we went to Albania after we got home we were praying a little bit went. When we went to albania we were saying, or, you know, after we got home we were praying a little bit and I said, well, you know, I think albania could potentially be a full-time place to plug in for mission work. And and uh, so five years or, yeah, five years ago we came up with a or three years ago we came up with a five-year plan, and so we're we're three years in years in.
Speaker 4:So we're praying about doing full-time mission work in Albany.
Speaker 3:Which you know. As far as the future for Step of Faith as a ministry, the board is aware of our intentions. They are praying for us, as you guys have been, and you know we don't know all that God wants us to do. If this is where he brings us wants us to do, if this is where he brings us, we're saying at this point we feel a two-year commitment would be a good way of going, because both of us will be about 60 in another three years and go over there and plug in with Pastor Plator and his whole ministry there in the southeastern part of Albania and continue to keep those connections going back here in the States through Step of Faith and things like that. But the potential of having God raise up another missions coordinator because that's my position here would be a potential. We're not sure about those details yet. We just returned from a trip in December. We were over there for almost a month and it seemed like God was opening up more doors for us to step through. And on our way back we did stop in Italy and we did visit Pastor Santo and his wife and it was great to see them and they also confirmed some things. And so it's more of a personal piece of the ministry, but Step of Faith is continuing to serve in Haiti, even though we can't physically go down there right now.
Speaker 3:We continue to see students graduating. A student just graduated from law school in December and is now practicing law, which is a huge feat. In Haiti, most kids don't even get to go to school, and this young man went and is now a lawyer. We have others in school, one becoming a doctor, one becoming a nurse, an administrator. We had another young man graduate a few years ago as a pastor, and so we're seeing the fruit of that ministry, even though we can't physically put our feet on the ground. And we've continued to see how our programs here in New Jersey continue to grow.
Speaker 3:And, of course, albania. That seems to be an area that God is expanding. As we brought a few teams over, we're bringing another team over in September. Wink, wink. You guys are still praying about that one. Anybody listening to this this? If you guys want ted and katie to join us this year in albania, please help them with support, because I know they would love to go back and they were an amazing. They were an amazing blessing over there. Um, they actually, ted, did the first church service in an unfinished church in Sauvignon when it was only halfway built and about 100 people came in attendance. It was and we're talking 100 Muslims, like we're talking about 70 percent Muslim, the rest atheist and less than 2 percent evangelical Christian. So it was quite quite the night and he has done similar.
Speaker 2:That was the faith booster, because we were supposed to start at six or seven no power. We had no chairs, no power, nothing. Five minutes before we were about to start and I remember going into that little room looking up saying, lord, this is your deal, this is your deal, we're trusting you here, lord.
Speaker 3:And then that guy showed up. Right, that guy, that's how he works, that's how he works. And so Albania has definitely become a front and center ministry that we see God really moving. As Ted had said earlier, it's a small country, mostly Muslim and atheists. But a quick statistic that was shared with us in December they did a census in the areas where Plator's ministry is, predominantly Lebanique and Malik and that area a few years back, and it was about 200 people checked the box as evangelical Christian, which was not a bad amount considering the percentages there. They recently did another census and it is now upticked to 2,000.
Speaker 2:Wow, all right, amen, and that's only because of his ministry.
Speaker 3:There is no other evangelical ministry there and he and his volunteers, as we call them, the Army Ants, are just doing amazing things there. And when Ted and Katie come they've been able to come a couple of times the ministry of Plays on Word has been received not only in the bigger arenas but with the Bible clubs. When Ted came up and came up with his shorter plays, his Paul Saul play, and the kids were so blessed and would love to have them back.
Speaker 2:Amen, pam, why don't you just close us all in prayer here? Because we're going to have you guys back on the program, because we still need to get into how you guys met the Lord and all that. But we'll do that on another episode.
Speaker 2:We will you know, and then we'll get to also Patrick's favorite power tools. That's a whole nother podcast. That's yeah, Patrick is my man. Like there's only a few guys that I call when I'm not sure, like something around the house, ain't right. I'm like let me text Pat, see what Pat does. I'll just say this I went to Lowe's with Patrick, right, and it was like walking into Cheers with Norm when I walked into.
Speaker 2:Lowe's. I walked into Lowe's and they're like hey, hey, pat, hey Patrick, like they all know this guy. And I'm like how do they know this guy? Like that, you know so he's like a superstar country.
Speaker 2:I kid you not. I kid you not. And you know what? We're not in our house over there in brick anymore, but whoever is the bathroom floor over there they're happy about. And and brick anymore, but whoever is the bathroom floor over there they're happy about. And that's Patrick Hess. That's right. And you know what? One of the greatest compliments I ever got after I did the floor, I called Pat up and I said can you come take a look? And he came by and looked at it and he said you did a good job. I stuck my chest out about three extra inches.
Speaker 1:I was so happy.
Speaker 2:I mean, that meant more to me than if my dad would have said you know, did good job. It was that close I was, like Pat actually said I did a good job. I felt like I could build a house after that. Man, yeah, you did do a good job, yeah, man. So why don't you close us in prayer, pam?
Speaker 3:Well, father, god, we are just so thankful, lord, that we can come together with Ted and Katie, even though we're in states apart, and we can share this time and these testimonies, bringing all glory and honor to you.
Speaker 3:Lord, you knew before the foundations of the world about Step of Faith and Plays on Word, and you know the next soul that's going to be touched and transformed because of these ministries. We are just so thankful and privileged that we get to serve you through these ministries and we just pray, Lord, that you would continue to open those doors that need to be opened with both ministries, lord, that we can continue to have a kingdom perspective, we can continue to glorify you through what you've given us to do while we're here on our earth. And thank you again for Ted and Katie and all that they're doing, all that they're sacrificing, all that, the talents and gifts that you have given them, lord, to bring your gospel to life in so many ways. I just pray a special blessing on them and this time that we had, and we just love you and pray all this in Jesus' name, amen.